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Showing posts from October, 2016

CG Character Cont'd Development 2

Session Review Before i model the new head for the nomad character it was essential I found and set up a head reference image with both the side and front images facial features aligning evenly. (figure a) Figure A Furthermore, the previous low poly head I created in 3ds max 2013 was suitable at the time although that low poly head lacked enough facial details and still possessed the rigid square aesthetic, despite many attempts smoothing the object. In addition after talking with my supervisor Isaiah Ferguson once more he expected me to completely finish the new head and create a set of new textures for the nomad character by week eight of this academic year which would be before the Christmas holidays. In conclusion, I have imported my new head reference and will be ready to model the new low polygon head as shown in figure b. Figure B By Sebastian Jones

CG Character Cont'd Development

After submitting the nomad character in the second year there was a allot of features of the character's anatomy that I personally found dissatisfying. So for my negotiated project, I am pleased that my supervisor Isiah Ferguson has approved of my continuation of working on the nomad character model. Further, besides my other projects, I cleaned up a few features such as the nomads' hands and feet during the summer holiday in order to continue practicing in maya 2016. Figure A However,I may need to recreate the characters feet (figure a)  , hands and head instead of attempting to edit a broken piece of anatomy. The reason for my recreating the head is due to the old head model having far to many uv lines and despite me smoothing the nomad still has a cubed shaped head. Although after tediously and aimlessly attempting to refine the nomad's anatomy by following male anatomy tutorials I decided to simply use a Sinestro injustice game model as a reference and adjust