Session Review
Returning to the human head I created at the start of September, I have decided to simply finish what I have already created and the instructions are simple to follow so once I have created and edited the low poly head in 3ds max it will be saved as a n FBX file ready for import in Maya 2015.
Moreover, during this evenings session I have re adjusted the vertices and toggled out of the front view port in order to use my own common sense and observe whether the vertices along the head were evenly positioned and matched the front reference image without destroying the geometry such as the last I worked on step four of the tutorial.
By Sebastian Jones
Checking each view port in order to make sure geometry is smooth and clean. |
Returning to the human head I created at the start of September, I have decided to simply finish what I have already created and the instructions are simple to follow so once I have created and edited the low poly head in 3ds max it will be saved as a n FBX file ready for import in Maya 2015.
Moreover, during this evenings session I have re adjusted the vertices and toggled out of the front view port in order to use my own common sense and observe whether the vertices along the head were evenly positioned and matched the front reference image without destroying the geometry such as the last I worked on step four of the tutorial.
Furthermore, I decided to skip creating the neck in the 3ds
max head tutorial because in the Lynda tutorial and ninja turmoil I am both
following they simply just merge the head to the torso and as I tested last
Tuesday in class as I merged the feet to the leg it successfully created the necessary mesh.
Tuesday in class as I merged the feet to the leg it successfully created the necessary mesh.
In addtion, under “Creating the Nose” step four in the low
poly head tutorial where it instructed to create the nose geometry, by selecting
the connect tool.; however, as I followed the instructions the connect tool
created extra edges along the side of the face so in order to get rid of them I
just simply hold Alt on the keyboard and select the front two nose lines to deselect
them. Then remove the extra edges on the side of the face created by the
connect tool.
By Sebastian Jones
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